Saturday 3 March 2012

7) Inglorious Basterds

I watched the opening half an hour of Inglorious Basterds to see aspects that director Tarantino uses to create suspense and tension, and the similarities between his work and Hitchcocks.

Straight away we can see that Tarantino is using typical thriller characters such as the antagonist, protagonist, and the victim which are important in the conventions of a successful thriller as these characters together instantly portray elements of mystery and create a tense atmosphere as they differ from one another so much.

Tarantinos thriller conventions are similar to Hitchocks with the use of
Lighting and shadows, especially on the characters faces, however, although Tarantino has used this he doesnt have a dark shadowy setting as Inglorious Basterds is set in a sunny coutryside, which is effective with emphasisng the shadowed faces, suggesting the characters in the light are the protagonists /victim and the characters in the darker shadows are the antagonist/villain, and Tarantino has also used low key lighting to create half shadowed faces to make the audience unsure of the character. The use of the bright setting is also effective in showing the contrast of the different worlds and how trapped the characters are in their countryside house due to the Nazi's invading which is effective for this narrative in creating tension and suspense.

Sound and the gradual build up of the sountrack to signify danger.
Camera angles, as Tarantino has used classical thriller camera shots; establishing shot of landover the shoulder shots and point of view shots which all reaveal mystery to the audience and the over the shoulder shot also focus' on the characters reactions, which is useful for the audience in the build up of tension and anxiety, panning shots, low angle shots to show superiority in characters, and close-ups.

watching inglorious basterds was useful in preparation of gathering more ideas for our final production as it is very different from other thrillers where the weather is usually glum to set the scene (pathetic fallacy) as inglorious basterds used the opposite and had it bright which was effective in creating the contrast between what was happening inside and the freedom outside, and it shows good use of shadowing on the faces which will be effective to use in our thriller opening to distinctively show the antagonist and protagonist.


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