Sunday 5 February 2012

2) Conventions of a Thriller

From watching Hitcocks movies and studying the various conventions of thrillers, we have gained a good understanding and knowledge of how to create a good thriller and started thinking of ideas on how to create our own thriller openings.

Some of the key conventions that are essential in creating a successful thriller is the use of non-diegetic sound, as this can instantly set the scene for a tense atmosphere and create the build up of suspense and shock.
Lighting is another key convention in creating a successful thriller as we can see alone from Hitchocks movies the significance of low key lighting the create a sisnister mysterious atmoshpere and to create shadowed faces which tell the audience alot about the character.

I think these are the main two conventions needed to be succesful in creating a thriller as the atmosphere has to be sinister and dark to set the scene and without the use of sound it wouldnt be very successful in creating tension, suspense and shock which are the main purposes of thriller movies.


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